
PyMzn can be installed via Pip:

$ pip install pymzn

or from the source code available on GitHub:

$ python install


PyMzn is developed and maintained in Python 3.5. Starting from version 0.18.0, support for Python 2 and versions previous to 3.5 has been dropped (its just too much work mainintaining them). Using the package pymzn.aio for concurrent execution requires Python 3.6 (though it is optional).

PyMzn requires the MiniZinc toolkit to be installed on your machine. Starting from PyMzn 0.18.0, the minimum MiniZinc version required is the 2.2.0. If you need to work with previous versions of MiniZinc, PyMzn 0.17.1 should work fine.

The easiest way to install MiniZinc is to download the MiniZincIDE package, which contains both the MiniZinc binaries and several solvers. After downloading the package, make sure the minizinc executable is visible to PyMzn either by setting the PATH environment variable or by configuring it using the pymzn.config module.

Optional dependencies

PyMzn offers the possibility of using Jinja2 syntax for templating MiniZinc code (see Templates). To use templates you need to install Jinja2. You can do that via Pip:

$ pip install Jinja2

Check out Jinja’s installation for details.

To be able to set custom configuration for PyMzn (see Configuration) you need to install the PyYAML and appdirs packages:

$ pip install pyyaml appdirs

Install additional solvers

Starting from version 0.18.0, PyMzn interfaces directly with the minizinc executable, which has now its own procedure for interfacing with installed solvers. For more detailed information follow this guide from the MiniZinc user manual. Generally, any solver available to the minizinc executable will be available to PyMzn as well. You can check which solvers are installed by running the command:

$ minizinc --solvers

For MiniZinc versions prior to the 2.2.0 and PyMzn versions prior to the 0.18.0, you will need to install the solver and make sure that the path of the executable associated with the solver is present in the PATH environment variable.